Haven't blogged in a couple days, and you know what? I'm ok with that! :-)
Drove to Mt. Rainier yesterday to do some communing with nature ... one of my favorite things to do! Being outdoors, soaking in the creations all around, and enjoying the moments ... equals healing to me.
On the way there, a 15 foot tall sculpture of a giraffe caught my eye ... and I'm so glad because I realized as I drove by that there were MANY sculptures. So I quickly turned around and pulled in to the driveway here:
I took lots of photos of this artist's work, but I will not post them here.
Go to his website (www.danielklennert.com) to see for yourself.
You will not be disappointed!!
Go!! My blog can wait a few minutes! :-)
Here are some of my favorite photos from my day on the mountain. I hope you enjoy them!
One of the trailheads
Christine Falls
Narada Falls before "falling" under the bridge
Oops! Accidentally stepped off the trail into some mud!
Narvada Falls
Reflection Lake ... the fish were jumping!
These beauties are, as you can see, enormous!
These "Douglas Fir Twins" are found in the Patriarch Grove.
That is my oldest daughter, Erika.
Here's a close up of the bark on the tree to the left:
I was surprise that the bark was soft to the touch.
Here's a more panoramic view of these beauties!
This Gray Jay and its mate wanted to be photographed!
They flew into the trees right beside us, so we were able to get great shots of them!
And, of course, as we were getting set to leave and head back down to reality,
the mountain "came out" as they say around here!
Well ... it sorta came out ...
there are still plenty of clouds about the top of Mt. Rainier,
but this was more of the mountain than we had seen all day.
I took 200 photos, but these are my favorites!
Feeling refreshed and inspired ...